
New Year --- New Beginnings

This is going to be the year ..... or at least the year I start making headway through my studies. This will be on at least three fronts and I will share as I move through them. First off ... I WILL make progress in  Ár nDraíocht Féin.  Secondly .... I am also working on two other courses which I had stopped and have been stagnant for quite a while.  I am looking forward to this new journey. It's been a few years in the making I think to work up to this point and for me to be this excited about it.  Much love to all in 2020

Independence and what it brings

I have been living in my own place since early 2014. I have enjoyed my independence and look forward to this continuing. But while on this journey I have found myself lacking and often moving from spiritual path to a spiritual path and not really settling down. It is time now to start settling down and moving forward on the spiritual path I have chosen. ADF is where I choose to make this path. I once again, start at the beginning of the dedicant path and look forward to the journey.

Coming back after a long break

Many changes have taken place since my last postings. I am starting to walk a new path and learning many new things along the way. I hope that this time as I place my feet upon the path that I will be able to continue and keep moving forward. blessings one and all, Moon Star

Another update and more to come

I haven't posted in a while but am back at working on my documentation for the dedicant path. I have had many things happen since my husbands passing in 2012. I've moved a half a dozen times, was homeless once but am once again where I can focus on my own healing and progressing to independence. Blessings one and all Phoenix

Catching up ....finally

Many things have happened since my last post here. My husband passed into the summerlands on June 20th, 2012 at 5:10 am I moved ... and moved again Lost practically everything I owned Spent time homeless .... On November 27th, 2012 I found my HOME. I moved to Missouri and found where I belong. I am playing catch up and getting myself organized. AND back on track. I hope to post weekly blogs on various topics as well as my progress through the DP. Blessings one and all, Phoenix FireStar Rising

New Beginnings (Post 1)

I suppose the place to begin is the beginning. All beginnings start with a single step. This is the beginning of my journey and that step. Virtue: According to (This is the one covered in this blog) 1. moral excellence; goodness; righteousness. 2. conformity of one's life and conduct to moral and ethical principles; uprightness; rectitude. 3.  a good or admirable quality or property. Piety:  According to  1.   reverence for God or devout fulfillment of religious obligations. 2.  dutiful respect or regard for parents, homeland, etc. Study:  According to  1. application of the mind to the acquisition of knowledge, as by reading, investigation, or reflection. 2.  the cultivation of a particular branch of learning, science, or art. 3. a personal effort to gain knowledge. I decided to start here rather than with the virtues (Wisdom, Piety, Vision, Courage, Integrity, Perse

Busy week ..... sorry for not posting more

This week has been one of those weeks where time seems to speed up to a crazy pace. Monday - Appointments with my husband all day (disability) Tuesday (today) and Wednesday - Getting ready for classes to start (taking courses towards my bachelors in Emergency Management)  (all online) ... fighting with Financial Aid etc LOL .... Thursday - Appointments with my husband all day (doctors) Friday ... who knows .... this might be my rest up day and use the weekend to get caught back up and start all over again.